NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, NEW YORK LABORATORY OF BACTERIOLOGY February 14, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin. Dear Joshua: I remember Miss Lively very well. I would be delight- ed to have her as a technieian but, unfortunately, cannot see any way that I could arrange this. True, I have a con- tract with the A.E.C. and could perhaps have funds for next year. On the other hand, I think it might be wiser to use the funds to support graduate students, so at the moment I cannot offer Miss Lively an opportunity. I did take the liberty of suggesting her for a position at the Pine Bluff Arsenal at Arsenal, Arkansas. I just today received a letter from Philipp Gerhardt, whom you may know. Since he took his degree in bacteriology in Wisconsin two or three years ago, inguiring if I knew of any suitable people for work in "The Seed Laboratory" of that installation. This installation is the production end of Dfetrich's effort I gather, and the job would be almost wholly routine in nature. They want a Pn.D. in bacterial genetics which seems ridiculous to me, and certainly Miss Lively could supply any genetics knowledge required for this job. Since it is an Army Post, nothing may ever come of it, since she is a female and quite young. I think it would be a shame to waste her talents on such a job, but there might be more opportunity than I am aware of. I have declined the opportunity to speak at Ames, as I did not feel I was a very appropriate choice. It rather looks now as though I might spend the summer at Oak Ridge. Unfortunately, I do not know Miss Jeannette Berman, so can give you no help here. I think you will hear from S@rb who does know her. I would be interested in learning of the response to your letter concerning graduate student opportunities in your laboratory. I have been given the dubious honor of representing our laboratory of bacteriology on the graduate faculty and am somewhat concerned over the present situation. #2-----Dr. Joshua Lederberg Are you planning to go to Boston to the bacteriology meetings? I nope to see you there in caSe you do go. Greetings to Esther, and I am sorry to be so non- helpful. Very. truly yours, Max R. Zelle Professor of Bacterlology MRZ: LP