NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, NEW YORK LABORATORY OF BACTERIOLOGY February 7, 1951 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Genetics Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. Dear Joshua: Just a note to inform you that the galley proof has been returned, and we have sent in orders for reprints. For simplicity's sake, I am ordering 350 reprints of my article from Cornell and will send you the 50 you requested from these. Hence, the only reprint order you must arrange for is for 250 copies of the Zelle-Lederberg paper. I esti- mate the cost at $1.25 per one hundred. Reprint orders Should be sent to the Waverly Press, Inc., Mt. Royal & Guilford Aves., Baltimore, 2, Maryland. I have also asked the publishers to send you the 25 free copies of the joint paper. I shall write you in more detail as soon as things Settle down. Right at the moment I do not have time for anything, but have you given any thought towards publish- ing the more detailed Genetic Analysis, or do you think it should wait until perhaps we have data on more favorable material? With best personal regards, I am, Very truly yours, Professor of Bacteriology MRZ: LP