UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON 25, D. C. ~et.27, 1950 IN REPLY REFER TO; Dear Josh, IT an almost ashamed to write but here coes anyway. Tam enclosing the suggestions for preparing research proposals . There is no real necessity to be unduly conservative in your application since at the moment, we have quite adeouate funds available. We very often buy quite major items of equipment, the title usually remaining with the university except for the very expensive items auch ae x-ray machines, In feneral, we do not like to assume obligations for parte of the salary of regular staff membere although we do pay the salaries of research assistant which might be hired specifically for the Fr oject. If you care to do so, you might send your tentative proposal te me at my home address so I could examine it and make my suggestions I might care to.(How's that for a sentence?) In regard to the manuscripts, I have been spending what littletime I have had available on them. I am reasonably sure they will be in your hands in another week, I apologize for the delay but life has been a rat race Tately. This weekend ig out for I must go to Ithaca. Cornell and the AEC are debating the fate of yours truly at the moment. I have told the commission that I am ultimately returning to Cornell, They approached Cornell re. an extension of leave through second term next year which would permit me to continue until next fall. This is the subject of the debate. Probably, there will be a compromi se of sorts but it appears quite likely that I will retain some connection here until negt fall. I would rather like to do go for several reasons, I don't know whether I discussed the situation with respect te research support of investigators who politically at some time or other were on the liberal side of the fence a bit too far to pemmit clearance. I have been fighting thie battle with the peaple here, with especial reference to Muller, and I believe I &m Winning it. Unless the election should result in wide republican gains giving them control of the senate and house with consequent changes in the joint atomic energy committee, I feel ere that clearance er any Affff political background will not be a factor @,long as the project is entirely of an unclassified nature, This has not, unfortunately, been true in the past, rthanks in no small part to such outstanding senators as Wisconsin's McCarthy and Jowa's Hickenlooper. The constant threat posed by such agces serves to intimidate high officials, mmetimes to the extent iseue where formal policy ig ignored for the sake of av@oidine ~—Y which might serve as amminition for such senatorg, UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION IN REPLY REFER TO: WASHINGTON 25, D. C. Tronically, I just received a letter from Muller about this, Equally, ironically, when discussing this whole question with Smyth the other day, his eecretary intermupted the conference by bringing in the press release about McCarthy's latest blest atout communist infiltration into the scientific corps of the AEC.Toe show the total po of scruples of the man, only one of the nine ent foned Mere y connection with the AEC at thie time gel et bod AW rpeespd yew, Pt ase, Enough of this. But it serves to show some of the rather frustrating and time coneuming headaches one encounters in thie job. It is fun for awhile and I think I have done sone service to the scientific community in a very devious, indirect way perhaps, but I can't see spending the rest of one's life in such a position. AMif one stayed here very Tong, I'm afraid he'i have to for nobody would hire you. I don't have your las letter here go can't go into the discussion re the Atomic Weapons @ffect matter. I am appreciative of your essentially supporting cpinion hawever. Incidentally, another consideration making an AEC contract somewhat desirable is the present policy, which may or may not be desirable, of requesting deferment from selective service of personnelJ associated with such contracts. Guess I have rambled on enough for this time. Please congider yrts of thie letter off the record.1 shall try to get the papers to you s0ome. Greetings to Esther, Woy Max