UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON 25, D. GC. March 29, 1950 Dr- Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: This is primarily a note of apology for the relativg@ylong silence from Washington. The reason for the silence is that between travel and things picking up around the office a bit, I have very little time to spend thinking about our problems. In point of fact, I had time to only casually glance at your proposed manuscript. I think things should set- tle down in a couple more weeks so I can again accomplish something. Relative to your letter describing your results on a radiation H-226, as you remember in our talks at New York, I mentioned that a grad student was playing with this problem in Ithica. In general, his re- sults agree with yours, but you are much further along with the work. It is very interesting and not quite what I would have expected in view of some other work which has been done recently on an irradiating haploid and diploid organism& Unfortunately, I don't have your letter here so JI cannot go into any detail. i_have attempted Pes incle celling session recently with some rather we results. The first time cells just failed to grow and the second time they grew too damn fast since I had made up a new batch of medium and the micro colonies grew together while I was trying to catch a little sleep. I shall attempt to get on the ball again as goon as possiblee I was in Ith§ca three days, a couple of days ago, and talkei with Sher- man a bit. He would be willing to publish a little description of the single celling technique separately. Do you think it worthwhile to describe the technique in some detail, pointing out its general useful- ness in attacKing problems of this type with a possible extension to- ward €ytolog# to be submitted along with this manuscript and appear- ing probably /next to it? I could bat that out in half an hour or so and it might help people interpret the pebigress we do include. I have been trying to figure out a logical excuse to visit Madison, without much success so far. The best idea, so far, would be to come Dr. Joshua Lederberg -2- March 29, 1950 to Madison on a trip which I must make soon to the Argomne National Laboratory in Chicago. I probably would hit Purdue on the same trip. I shall let you know when this becomes more definite. Sorry to be so unproductive the last two or three weeks, but it is a busy life these days. Very truly yours, é /; M. Re Zelle Genetics Branch Division of Biolegy and Medicine