UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON 25, D. C. IN REPLY REFER TO: BMB: MRZ March 7, 1950 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: I got the cultures sent off last time rather huryedly and did not have time to enclose the family trees. You can always work back= wards from the members of the cultures, which you have probably done by now, but I am including the pedigrees. I have been so busy that I haven't had a chance to check the information on the various cards back against the records but will do so at my earliest opportunity. Incidently, with a possible exception of a run next week, I vrobably won't be able to do anything further until the week of March 19 to 25. The rate of segregation is, as you say, damnably low, but I agree that H226 is one we would like to analyze thoroughly. Your two vials of synthetic medium and lactose arrived Mut the vial of culture was broken. I have been carrying H226 on EMS-lac plates and perhaos let it set too long this last transfer, so maybe you had better send me another vial of H226 in the synthetic medium. I also have enough vials for only about one more session. Do you suppose it is possible to buy the bakelite caps separately? I am naturally curious about the outcome of the Oak Ridge trip but won't ask any questions. Very truly yours, Max R. Zelle Geneticist, Biology Branch Division of Biology and Medicine