Saivader Edward Luria TLE Bornt Turin, Italy, 1912 Sea Se em cae tOoos Roy tL Tae ye MP My Sake 8 5 ALAR lee ke Centre de la Rochorehs Selentifique, Francs, Curie Lab. ard baat. PRELGOU - 1938a480 » Res. Ass*t Surgical Bacter., Columbia, 1940682, Guggenhein Fellow, Yanderbilt Univ, and Prineeton Univ. instructor te Prof., Indiana Unive 1943650. Prof. Bacteriology, Univ. Illinois 1956. a Bibliography (M. Delbruck and @. F. Anderson). 1943. Electron mieresss studies of bacterial viruses. Jour, Bacteriology %6(13 25%. "2 Pree f é & Spontanecus bacterial mutations to resistanes to antibac agentse Cold Spring Harbor SyMposia on Quantitative Biol munnnumen (94452 Geneties of bacterium-bacterial virus relatienship. Aunals of the Missouri Betanical Garden, Vol. 32. (Re Latarjet).« 1947, UWilteaviolet irradiation of bacterionhee during intracellular growth. Jour. Bacteriology 53(2) 81496164, 1947. Recant advances in bacterial genetics. Bactericlogicsai Reviews, 13(1) 41.46, 194?. Reactivation of irradiated vacteriophage by transfer of selfereproducing units. P.NeA.S. 33(9)2253+264, 1949. Type hybrid bacteriophages. Abstract From Records of the Genetics Saciety of America, 18:102. 1959. Bacteriophage: An eS say On virus reproduction. SelLencsa 121(2889) ¢507—5i1, 1950. Chromatin staining of bacteria during bacteriophase infection. Jour. Bacteriology 59(4) 25510566. 195i. The frequency distributian of spontaneous bact nubanta as evidence fox the exponential rate of phage Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative BLoLogy « 1951. Mechanism of bacteriophags reproduction, Federnatioan Proceedings 10(2)2582.584, The relation of the synthesis of viruses and other cell components in bacteria. Pree. Serond National Cancer Conferences (Mary L. Human), 1952. A nonhereditary, hosteindueed ravintias of bacterial viruses. Jour. Bacteriology 64(%) 25596559, oe EU REL TTR SE RTA OE PO EPR Aor ED ENG A ETON (R.I. De Mars, Hs Pishe: thai). 2953. The praducti.. of incemplate bacteriop by the actbion of prsflavang and the properties of the “QErihealLes Behyes dh tape . fo oaty? 7s ge any B10 O6 Et anethivs Pas A9S3e Hostewinduced modifications Fivuses. Cold Sariag Narbor Sympesia an Quantitative Biology. L054. Genetis functions and developmental precesses of bactert viruses, From "fhe Dynamics of Virus and Rickettsial Sarectione® dartman, Hersfall and Kidd Editors. Blakisten Gemparny, New York. (Deris L. Steinar). 1954. The vole of calcium in the pel of bacteriophage T5 inte its hoat. Jour. Bacterioloey 67 | 1955. Cell suseeptibility to viruges. Annals of Hew York Acadeny of Scienses 61(4%) 28524855. {Jeanne W. Burroug). 1957. Hybridisation betwoon Escherichia Coli and shigella. Jour. Bacteriology 74(4):4610e476,