NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, NEW YORK LABORATORY OF BACTERIOLOGY July 5, 1949 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department University of Wisconsin Wadison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: Refrigerators are wonderful things! While digging _ out some phage stocks to take to Oak Ridge I stumbled across some old mannitol ad xylose plates of H168. From these I will be able to isolate a xylose segregating H168. I have smt 16 isolates as indicated on the enclosed diagram. Since I am leaving for Oak Ridge in a halfenour I will not have time to prove the cultures but I think some of them at least should be OK. My address at Oak Ridge will be: c/o Dr. Alexander Hollaeder Biology Department Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee I hope the xylose segregating cultures will help solve the puzzle a bit and renove any doubts from your mind as to the behavior of theoriginal Hil68 culture. Very truly yours, Me R. Zelle MRZ sje