May 4, 1949. Dear Max, I have checked 5-239 snd ~240. They are identical, and : BF) Mf TH Lf Bf Lac# Xyl- Mtl- Gal- ¥,.° V, This class (Lee# others—, orotctroph) is the most common segregant Ok from H~168. Therefore, its origin from one division of xkix ~59 is not certain roof of ten-strand scrozsinc-ovar. Tt would be interesting to find 2 rare segregant and see whether it were accompanied by a more common type as a sib, which would indicate 4 strands. This is assuming tt 59 ig a nni-melerte eei ena undermert reduction, and that 119 undergoes second division to give two identies1 segres-nts. Of course, the lethality of ~120 might not be meaningful. Quite the ncst interesting thing that has coma up is your comment on the predicttbility of the survival of eertain cells, Which, of course, strongly supports the genetic inter— pretation of the rutios that have come out. Lately I heve been trying to map Mal mre rdamntely, becnuse of its peculiarity An the heterozygotes. The results I got were that Mal was linked to M (methionine) but neither to B, on one side, nor Lac on the other. I think that this may turn out to be the key to the situation, not that there is a branched chromosome, but that I am dealing with a $rans- locution heterozygote. "Het" would be a factor which increases the rate of unequal disjunctions of the translosation cross givging a $k 311 disjunction: A crossover betreen M and TL would givs the possibility of a balanced proto- troph complenent, if there is alternate segregation, If there#were an unequal @isjunction, so that the X-Mal# arm went to one pole, and the other arms to the other, we hive the makings of a heterozygote which would, however, be dafintuntx hemizygous for the factors on the Mal-X arm. This theory needs some more going over, but is so far the best explanation of the svallable facts. Bub J.F.Cro# and I have just finished working it up, so it may have many defects. If this is true, there is some hope of gatting normally segregating heterozygetes from the right outcrcases. I am afraid that I've hud some very bad buck in recovering heterosygotes from complete medium. In the first place, I've lost H-168 for the time being becuse I relied on 4 muitrient agur clant of 1t, and threw out the EMS plate I had ciso been storing it on. Secondly, I havandt been able to get anything bub segregants omit cf the cultures whieh yor gent me. J hed emch better luck the first time with the slant cultures you mde directly from FUS Lac, rather than with the agur-sclidified cultureskixtenemtiox, If you've gotten them out , I wonder if you could send me transfers of the reisolated 243-246 in the 5~ . (4-24-49) series. I think I'll be ible to recover H-148, but I thought I'd better warn you. I couldn't get anything but, — and # out of 196, 204, and 53 also, so they too were probably heterozygous. Sometimes Mel heterozygotes have the appearance you desoribed, but they should be easily verified on Xyl EMB. Sincerely,