NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, NEW YORK LABORATORY OF BACTERIOLOGY May 3, 1949 Dre Joshua Lederberg Devartment of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: Enclosed you will find the latest pedigree which is rather disappointing again. I am sending along the Noe's: 23, 56, 58, cultures but I wonder whether it is really worthwhile to do so. I am going to Cincinnati and thought I had mentioned so earlier, Iwill bring all the records which we have accumulated so far. : ing t douple ie sige of tae Sopity ULM aah nate eupeg Usher inf of of t ciboe’ {Ho dl ter heF no chamber, £thinkit-wili_work but have _ not triedit yet. The sodium nucleate, IT take it, is sodium ribonucleate. JI think I will give it a fling anyway. Guess this is about all at the moment as I have not digested all of the data in vour letters. Very truly yours, [Weo? Me Re Zelle MRrje P#S* Bow *D— (59, 1h0,l6l, HI, 34,194 18S 1% 182,188 wnclosure 1871176, ‘75 181 fuclopede , 4 oe tombe mong ove Gries hy eublre nt adh fine, Aetoe at ene esuutted,