April 26.1949 Dear Max, Some hurried answers while I check the cultures you sent. I don't know of any good way to accelerate segregation. My main troubles had been the reverse. I did do one experiment with the addition to broth of 4% sodium nucleate with promising results. It might be worth trying. H-168 4s probably hemisygous for Mal-, heterozygous Ara - # . But the Ara marker isn't worth much, and I would ighore it. I'm still bugy trying to develop stocks which may have more clearcut markers, more suitably spaced, than the rather difficult Gal- and Ara mutations in 168. Mtl~ ie reasonably stable. I have picked up some suppressors which are a very weak#. I would say that Xylose would give the very hest scoring. The parente and constitution of H-72 are correctly given, You've put down the parentage of H168 correctly; I'm not sure that the chromosomal arrangegent is the same. To account for homosygous loci with heterozygous parents, $here aust be crossing over before the propa~ gation of the diploid as well as after. I have tried to find more than one kind of heterozygote in the initial protrophs from which they are obtained, but without success. Arguing from the data which I sent you last time, I would say that the arrangement is probably: x ye ~~ re uO . oF Se Tat L. although the #'s are all coupled in the parents. That is, there mist have been a crossover between Kyl and Gal between the fueion and the proliferation of the heterozygote. The other stran@s presumably segregated out, and unless prototrophic, were lost. Do you expest to go to Cinncinnati? It seema about time for a long talk. All I wanted to say about your single-cell work was to cite your pedigrews as proof that the heterozygotes and mosaic colonies do issue from single cells. I'll write again in about a week. Sincerely,