NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, NEW YORK + LABORATORY OF BACTERIOLOGY March 24, 1949 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: Just anote toe xplain my silence recmtly. Until about the middle of April I won't be able to do too mich work with the cultures. After that time I should be able to concentrate on it and get the job done. I have a couple of series of cultures from the first "H72" in which I have had a little trouble classifying the cultures. JI also have one clear-cut segregant in a pedigree from the bonafide H72. I will send these cultures to you this week-end. I did not discover yourletter which came with the H168 culture until I got your other letter. I haven't tried it yet on xylose or mannitol, but will plate it today. I wonder how your supply of xylose is; we are out, have some on order but it has not shom UP ยป so a few grams of xylose might help out. I will send the reprints in a few days. , Very truly yours, Max RJ Zelle MRZ jc