March 19, 1949. Dear Max, As I wrote in in the letter that accompanied the slants, H=168 is mitiply heterozygous for Lac, Gal, Xyl and Mtl, and I have been doing some detailed segregation studies on it. Unlike H-72, the pre- dominant segregants are Lac# Galf# Xyl- Mtl-. It may be more convenient to use mannitol or xylose FB in studying this heterozygote, since there is mich less chance of confusing segregants with variegated colonies. There is a very marked preponderance of Lac# among the seg- regants of H-168, and it would not be difficult to iss the few Lac~. The segregating colonies on FMB uwac are not nearly so striking as are those of H-72, or of H-168 on xylose mannitol. Sincerely,