MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY . DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY ct CAMBRIDGE 39, MASSACHUSETTS February 23, 1962 Dr. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: The National Science Foundation has made available to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology a grant to conduct workshops on the topic of "Chemistry and Genetics of Cellular Surface Structures". We are organi- Zing a workshop for late August, 1962, the tentative dates being August 27-28-29 (a.m.); the place, Stowe, Vermont (a resort two hours by bus from Montreal, where the International Congress of Microbiology will end August 24). The current plan for this workshop (the second of a series) is to concentrate on 0 and H antigens of bacteria and on blood group substances, plus other related topics that may come up, especially the control of pattern and organization of membrane structures. The group will consist of 20 to 25 persons (see tentative list enclosed) and will conduct informal discussions. Wo records and no publication are planned. We hope that out of these workshops will come clarifications, suggestions for further work, and, most important, a group spirit that will keep this exciting area of work cooperative and non-competitive by establishing a habit of informal communication among personal friends. We shall be glad if you will agree to join us and take part in the workshop. The available funds permit us to make grants in lieu of travel expenses to participants from abroad (unless they already have fare paid to the Montreal Congress, in which case a grant for extra travel to the workshop and living expenses will be made). Room and board at the workshop will be complimentary for all participants, except for a $10 fee to cover cost of wine and liquor. The American participants will have to pay their own transportation. Could you send us a prompt answer to the following questions: 1. Can you attend the workshop at the proposed dates? If not, are there some other dates about the same time that would make it possible for you to attend? 2. Are you planning to attend the Montreal meeting? If so, do you already have funds for travel to Montreal? Dr. J. Lederberg - 2 - February 23, 1962 3. Do you have any suggestions of persons not included in the attached list, who in your opinion could make important contributions to the areas under discussion? A few persons may be added, while still keeping the group as small as planned. We hope to be able to set definite dates and plans by April 15 or earlier. The suggested location, Stowe, Vermont, has resort facilities and is a desirable vacation spot where to rest, either before or after the workshop. We may arrange for bus transportation from Montreal. Stowe is about 3 or 4 hours by plane and bus from New York and Boston. Hoping for a favorable reply, and with best regards, Sincerely yours, lo S. E. Luria PU Mtb P. W. Robbins