NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE - CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, NEW YORK LABORATORY OF BACTERIOLOGY January 8, 1954 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: You may remember while we were visiting at San Francisco that I mentioned that I did not have crossing strains of K-12 and that I might trouble you to obtain same some time in the future. A couple of the graduate students here would like to use K-12 for some of their work so if you would be kind enough to send some crossing stocks of K-12, I would greatly appreciate it. I have no particular strains in mind, but it would seen that W-1177 and 58-161 would be suitable, It might also be de- Sirable to receive one of the segregating diploids such as H-226 if you have some of them readily available. Things are going relatively slowly here: Dr, Sherman has been out of the office for roughly a month, but is coming along pretty well now. The wife's father is very ill, which kind of ruined our holiday season, but the little girl makes up for a lot of this. I had a nice visit with Irwin at Boston and had hoped to see you there, Many thanks for the stocks, and please greet Esther for me. Very truly yours, jpeg, M. R. Zelle Professor of Bacteriology