ye February 17, 1944 Dr. G. WW. Beadle stanford University Stanford University, California Dear Doctor Beadle: I guess our letters crossed, Mine was not sent by air mail, I had written you about Miss Fsther M, Zirmer supporting her application for a fellowship if you ciould have one available, If you should wish to consider her and have a place open, I think you could do no better than to get Independent judgement from Dr. Hollander and Dr, Dernerec, She is a very brisht girl and I think would do very well, I really do not know just how she panned out in her work with Dr, Hollander, I think she wuld be all right. I am trying to set soma heads or tails out oF the vast accumulation of culture notes which cur two girls eccumlated last year while we were working with hetsrocary= otic vigor. I think it will be better to just report on that phase of the work particularly concerned with the inheritance of the push mechanics rather than try to explain genetically Just what happens, in reading a manuscript for the editor of tne American Journal I suggested that the writers of the manuscript read carefully the papers of Nansen and his ase sociates and note his work in their next paper which will soon be forthcoming. I think some of our sterility problems may in fact be due to failure to produce receptive primorida, Fowever, in Ascobolus magnificus neither race produces primnorida when grown alons,but when grown together in culture both ascogonia and antheridfa are produced, So it may be with these sterile races of Neurospora, The only reason that the receptive primorida are not produced in a mixed culture may be that the miclei do not actually get together in the mycelial cells, Well, this is another story and I would not for a minute take you awar from that fine work vou are doings, with best wishes, I am, “y sincerely Yours cerely, B. O. Dodse Paticlc vist )