April 25, 1950 3 > St 4% @ 3 er ud ao 4H HI >a - ra Dr. Joshua Lederberg 42? Department of Genetics aon B University of Wisconsin Z2HS8 Madison 6, Wisconsin 9 S faa 7 Dear Joshua: — oat i 8, @ we . = I shall be very glad indeed to cooperate in your 8 project of reprinting original papers in the field of Genetics of Microorganisms. You may put my name down on the list of potential contributors, Your project would not at all conflict with the textbook on Genetics of Microorganisms, but would as you say supplement it beautifully. Manuscripts Department Indiana University, With very best wishes, Cordially yours, =. T.M. Sonneborn am C6 det 2 Ae eS ee ee THS:igp quoted or reproduced without permission of copyright holder. AVE AGS URS WU Woes Oe . is covered by copyright and may not be