II ‘ Sonneborn mss. Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana this Materials is covered by copyright and may not be quoted or reproduced without permission For Reference Use Only. of copyright holder. January 6, 1948 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconain Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Lederberg: The point you raised about the multiplication of kappa has been considered and I think you will get the answer you wish from Preer. The full paper on this is now in press and should appear shortly in Genetics. Ottierts paper, on the other hand, which is the mathematical basis for mich of the work, has not yet appeared and I do not know where it is scheduled to appear. As Preer will tell you, the data show that kappa miltiplication is first order autocatalytic at low kappa concentrations. Quite aside from the slant you have on the situa= tion, doesn't it seem a little difficult to conceive of kappa duplication taking place at the locus of K when Preer's estimate of kappa size make it, as I pointed out in Chicago, more near the size of a chromosome? With best wishes, Cordially yours, 7, M. Sonneborn TMS set