IT ‘ Sonneborn mss. Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library , Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana this Material. is covered by copyright and may not be quoted or reproduced without permission of copyright holders . For Reference Use Only. March 31, 1947 Mr. Joshua Lederberg Osborn Botanical Laboratory Yale University New Haven, Connecticut Dear Mr. Lederberg: Thanks for your kind letter calling my attention to the passage on Euglena mesnild in Lwoffts book, I have had the book for sometime and while I have not read it thoroughly, the subject of this particular passage was dis— cussed with Lwoff when he visited our laboratory last Summer. Lwoff was quite aware of the resemblance of chloroplast behavior here to the behavior of our cytoplasmic factors, and that is why he called it to our attention, I quite agree, The whole general question will be discussed fully in papers now in preparation in our laboratory, particularly Preer!s dissertation which I am to see the first draft of tomorrow. The reference you want is Lwoof, A et H. Dusi (1935a): La suppression experimentale des chloroplastes chez Euglena mesnili, C. r. Soc. Biol, 119, 1092. It seems to me that the similarity between the behavior of our cytoplasmic factors and behavior of plastids and the behavior of intracellular symbionts is inevitable. I have recently thought the matter through as well as I can from the point of view of what the possible moods of behavior of these three classes of objects could be. As a result of this reflection, I am con= vinced that it 1s impossible to reach a legitinate conclusion as to whether any particular substance is a symbiont or a normal cellular constituent on the basis of its general behavior in the cell, Since I saw you last, we have been extending our study of cytoplasmic factors to other characters than the cellular character and have piled up an impressive mass of evidence, confirming my earlier conclusior, that this is the normal and regular method of inheritance for all characters in these varieties of Paramecium eurelia, It is extremely easy to demonstrate the cytoplasmic factor basis for each character and extremely difficult to find any genie con- trol whatever. Our evidence indicates that our varlous races of variety 4 are genically alike with respect to most of the characters we are studying and that they differ only in cytoplasmic factors for these characters, I should be very glad to hear further about the evidence for your single linkage group in coli. This is great stuff, With best regards and much thanks for your geod letter, Cordially yours, fT. M. Sonneborn TMS ret