il Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana eonneborn mss. ae 8 Pk eh Ne oe OA he _is covered by copyright and may not be quoted or reproduced without permission mt ee Nt oe Nat ted wee a of copyright holder. February 8, 1949 Dr. Max Deldrilck Kerckhoff Laboratories Galifomia Institute of Technology Pasadena, California Dear Max, I was deliszhted to get your card and appreciate very much your comment "a beautlful lecturs" for, as you know, I have great admiration for your own and for your judgment in such matters. I am particularly pleased to know that you plan to pursue further the theoretical analysis of the mutual inhibition hypothesis, It certainly neads to be done. Parhaps it will also be helpful to those of us who want to put the theory to a test. I have a few ideas about experimental tests and will get to work on them aa soon after the Harvey Lecturs as possible. Perhaps vou have heard by the crapevine, as you usually do, of the results of my latest tests of the plasmagene hypothesis in relation to the Paramecium antigens. I devised what I considered a critical experiment to see whether one gene could maintain the plasmagene presumably produced by an allelic gene. The result was negative and I am inclined to conclwie that this means that when the critical test of mtability 4s applied to the asaumed plasmgenes, the concept does not hold up. Of course, this 1s limited only to the antigen case and has nothing whateyer to do with non-zens initiated cytoplasmis char~ acters like kappa or plant plastids. I am well aware that more than one interpretation of my result is possible. ther gene initiated plagmazenes do not exist in this case or such plasmagenes do not have the property of mutability, or the relation between gene and plasmagens is so delicate that even a small changes in the plasmazene makes it impossible for the corresponding gene to maintain it. My present inclination is to conclude that this axperiment relegates the gene initiated plasmagene to the realm of the non-demonstrable and, therefore, uninteresting concepts, but I still see alternatives and want to pomer over them for a while before committing my=- self in print. What is worse, the very fact of the dependence of the two anti- gens in my study on allelic genes is not in an entirely satisfactory condition. The genetic results depart slightly, but significantly, from the expected 1:1 segregation in the F2 generation. Until I fully understand what this means, I want to delay publication, Since you have become so closely involved in what wa are doing, I thought you would be interested in gestting this information, I hope you will keep me informed likewise of your developments on the theoretical end, for I believe our experimental possibilities make tha pooling of our efforts very With beat regards to you and my other frienis at Cal Tech, Cordially yours, THS at