Litho saved Siow _ For Reference Use OF II ยป Lilly Library ersity, Bloomin Sonneborn mss. ight and may not be ' ig covered by copyt d without permission S Department Manuscript Indiana Univ oted or reproduce qu | ht holdere of copyrig gton, Indiana August 13, 1948 Dr. Max Delbrucik c/o Biological Laboratory Cold Spring Harbor Long Island, New York Dear Max, Thanks very much for your kind note of August 6th, and the copy of the remarks you made in Paris on flux equilibriun, I find your account interesting and decidedly worth considering in relation to our antigen results. What I am trying to Imagine are experimental means of distinguishing among the three hypotheses: flux equilibrium, varlable gene activity, and plasmagenes. I am partial at present to the latter because it has thus far proved fruitful in ow work: it has led as to a number of predictions which have been verified. But this is, of course, not enough. I am returning your Paris discussion of which I now have several copies for various people interested in the question. With best regards, Cordially, THS 20% Ene e