BALLS Mavs LGA | For Reference Use Onlye II Sonneborn mss. Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library is covered by copyright and may not be ' tr ermission Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana quoted or reproduced without Pp ‘Dear Delbdriiek: of copyright holdere December 51,1945 Dr. Unax Deloridel: Departrent of Physics | ’ Vanderbilt University ‘Nashville ,Tonn. ? = am writing for your opinion 8s to the desirability of having @ m per at the Extranuclear factor seetion of the Uutation Conference on the relation of viruses to these factors. As You Imow,the COs stary in Drosophila (L'Heritter and Teisster) ts belng interoreted as due to a virus and some people have sugsested that kapva and Lindesren's cytogenes ars viruses. Do you think 16 worth while to ore- sent an analysis of the whole situation with a view to clarifving thinking on the subject? If you think thts would be worth doing,i'd like you to undertake 1b. You lmow the tima limits. Our section is llkely to have more ‘speakers than the 4 or 5 Demeree sugsested,so I think we should stick closely to the 20 minuts limit and make it even less,if possible. Let me have your answer as soon 4s convenient and, “4f you decide to undeptake this mper,let me have your ‘subject and the time you will require. With very best greetings of the season to you and your wife, . Yours » Sonne bom |