LHLS MaterlaL is covered by copyright and may not be quoted or reproduced without permission g for helerence use Onlye : IT Sonneborn mss. Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana " of copyright holder, March 16,2945’ Dear Delbrick: I wonder whether you are still looking around far ; possible candidates for the opm@ming in Blology at Vanderbilt Tao people have occurred to me recently and I thought it misht ket worth while to pass along their names to you for considers- On. . : The first you my dispose of very quickly,but just on the chance that you may not,here be isza Chinese man of outstand- ing ebility,-T.T.Chene I mve Imown Chen well for many years and can vouch for his ability,incustry and excellant personal qualities. He has been at Oberlin,Hopkina and U.C.LeA. He tg a oytologist snd has done all of his work on the Protoma, especially on their chromosomede There la little doudt but that he is the top man in the world on chromosome cytology of Protozoa. In skill and accomplishments in this field he would be in the class with Barbara WacClintock in plant eS chromosome cytology. For the last 10 years.approximitely, he hag been tecmically a research agsistant to Jennings, but aotually he has been a completely indcecendent investigator, merely working on the seme material as Jennings. I'd te clad to sand yol 4 bdDibliogravhy of his more important pubdlisatlona, if you are interested. He is about forty years old,pernaps a little more, Bactuse of the racial difficulty,he has had,I velleve no teaching position;but I have often heard him lsoture nd can assure you that he ts a first olass lecturer. Ha ig & peffeotionist in all things,-in his cytological prevarations, in his drawings,in his orgmnization and presentation of mtertal beth in print and orally. He is also full of enthusiasm mad would,I am sure,mike a stimulating teacher. Jennings is begine ning to feel very mnxlous about placing Chen before he retires from active work himself,so that I feel quite sure Chan youla be glad to accept a reasonably mod offer. If ym got Chen, you'd have something to be proud of. The second man is now on the staff at Notre D,me and has had very extensive and varied teaching experlLence there. This is hig only teaching Job as he went there imrediately after receiving his Ph.D. under Kimball at Hopkins. You could write Just,the head of the Demrtment there,as to how successful he has been in his work at Notre Dame. He was at Hopkins during may last year there and started his graduate work under my direction,soe I have some notion of his capacitiles,at least at that time. He was a very good studont and ia extremly anbitious in research,has his eye on important problems and is determined to Diild a name for Eibmself. Hoe is at present estting,i believe,a salary of S5C0,but hésis so overburdened with teaching that he would be willing to take less,if necessary, in order to have some tims free for his research. He has dons ali his work so far on Enplotes,the same orgunism that Kimball worked on,and has cone very good jobs. Kimbalil,as you probably Imow,hag definitely abandoned work on Euplotes ad the very catia LR Bia ti SBeshw J1GQU0L Lad Ve, ALCL OMVG Yom Whlny © PT IT Manuseripts Department, Lilly Library Sonneborn mss. is covered by copyright and may not be quoted or reproduced without permission | of copyright holdere @ S o “ rd S FH SG oO ~p ad a sd = o ° ro Fa Pa me) 4 uv h Y S ed a DD a oS g os a Ki t : 5 1 2 to 4nteresting possibilities which he opensd up are likely -pemain vndone,unless Powers 2863 4 opportunity to carry on. Powers is in fact attempting (under very adverse sircums tances) | to do just that. He wants to push ahead on tre mating tyoe | hormones end,if possible,connect them up with mtigen-antibody rr noe Powers is a mm with a very attractive personality rea would st believe ,fit in well with your grouy,m rticularly as he is by birth a Southemer. If you want further information about him,I'd. be glad to expand. You might also write to Kimball end Jemings about him if you care to do 30, Chen is,I telteve,still unmarried: Powers has a wife end, I belisve,tvo sail children. Powera is about thirty years old, or perhaps a year one way or the other. With beat regards to you and yar wiffs, Yours » T .&.Sonnedorn