Sonneborn mss, II | Bt peak, S Department, Lilly Librar ar versity, Bloomington, Indiana Manuscript Indiana Uni v “his Material © thout permission Pyright and may not be epee is covered by co produced wi ' Of copyright holder, | For Reference ¥ ‘ t i | t j ' quoted or re oe atny at all. November 1, 1950 Dr. S.e. Luria ‘Department of 3acteriolory University of Dlinois Urbana, Illinois Dear Lou: Iwas glad to get your card but ashamed to find that in the Change of places your card had been pulled out from my file and had naver gotten back. I made up the deficiency at once and sent off to you the reprints which you should have had before now. I am delighted to hear that my paper in Heredity met such a responsive chord in you. I am curious to know what things you are referring to in virus research which lead you to the same conclusions, Your book will be a great addition to the litera- ture and I look forward to it eagerly. Thea's operation went very well an? I think she and doe are both optimistic about the outcome. I uo hone this settles things favorably. : The Bacteriology Department here is undergoing readjustment and I cannot yet guess how tings will work out. Some of ny group are taking the course in Iamnolory from veiss, but I suppose it is too early to judze how it will go. I gather that he does not have the force, enthisiasm and clarity of Luria, but perhaps he will improve with time. I find him an interesting fellow to talk to and think he really has some potentialities that may blossom forth. I have done little more thin see Stokes on the run and haven't had a chance to zet acquainted with him Ve have had a very hectic Full with a constant stream of visitors from iurope ani elsewhere. \ihile this is all very nice in itself, it is a great distraction ani I an wearing myself out trying to keer my research going and at the sume time) be a decent host to our visitors, I don't know what you t-ink of Nenney, but I can't help but say, as I must have said to vrou before, that I think he is rcally) destined to do big things. He continues to develop at an amazing rate and has spark plugged the research in our Hroup for the last aix months. He's on the track now of the mechanism of determination of mating types. He has a beautiful clue ard I believe it will lead to the lonv-desired solution of that difficult problem. — » Lilly Library: Bloomington, Indiana - Sonneborn mss. If Manuscripts Department "Indiana University, t | i ;. White Material Pyright and may not be produced copyright holder, e as 2 without permission ' For Reference tis ' is covered by co i i | t } a ' quoted or re : of Dr. 5.8. Luria 2 Hovember 1, 1950 We are glad to hear that you are getting settled well and hope that you and Zella and Danny love --our new hore. Needless to say, things are very different here without you and wa riiss you a preat cleal. With very best luck to you and with sood wishes to all my friends at Dlinois, Cordially yours, Tracy