II ¥ Indiana , Lilly Librar Bloomington, Sonneborn mss. Manuscripts Department Indiana University, This Material out permission ght and may not be produced with e is covered by copyri quoted or re of copyright holder, For Reference Use 0; April 12, 1950 Dr. S.8. Luria Department of Zoology Columbia University New York, New York Dear Dr. Luria: Your speech to the National Academy of Sclences is scheduled for 11:06 A.M., Monday morning, April 24. The session begins at 10:15 AH. and the speaker following you is to start at 11:25 A.M. Your speach will be given in the Auditorium of the Academy Building, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. With best wishes, Cordially, T.M. Sonneborn THS :igp