Sestember 14, 19048 Dr, M, HL. ‘elle Devartment of Bacterology Cornell University Ithaca, HL. Y, Dear Jalle: Tn the past several weeks, we have been working on a set of coli K-12 culturee of unusual genetic interest, It started with the realization that one of the prototrophs which came up in a routine cross was, very unisuely, heterozygous and sogreg ting for each of the factors which distinguish the parents: 3B, H, T, 1, By, Lac, and a few ohage resistances, The heterozygote can be maintained a$ such only on minimal medium; on complete medium it rapidly segregates out giving an array of hrploid recombination types, Most of theses, naturally, carry nutritions1 deficiencies and c-nnot therefore compete with tne diploid on synthetic medium, The opacity to produce heterozygotic prototrophs ia transmitted st lesst to the one segregnant tested Crosses of it with standard tynes gave vrototrophs of which severnl percent were heterozygous, ‘Some of these Fe heterozygotes, however, sre homozygous for some factors in which the varents differed (and may be hemizygous, i, 6 heteroploid), \s you might exoect we are pursuing the genstiec anclysis 2s vigorously as we can, “Ve have a zygote of aorts since there is considerable recombi- nation among the segregants, However, we sare probably dealing with some form of chromosomal sberration in view of the suggestions of heteroploidy, It would be very helpful to have single celt isolations made on thie material, particularly by your famous technique of recovering products of successive divisions, The rate of segregation is eo high that you would have a fair chance of catching « cell in the act if both daughter celle were taken, It would be especially important to know whether both products of a segregating division were a) viable and b) haploid, and I have no means now of attacking this point without your assistance, I am writing to you now to ask whether your offer to do this kind of a Jod on material that merited it were stil] open, and if you had the time and facilities now to be able to undertake it in the reasonably near future, If you will let me know whether you are interested, I'11 send the cultures and further detaile, Yours very sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Acsiatant Profeasor of Genetics i>