5/20/49 Dear Dr. Lederberg, If you are the same Josh Lederberg, as you must be, since there could only be one Joshua Lederberg, who graduated Stuyvesant H.S. without turning in a final report on his work in the Biology Club, as President emiritus [sic] of same, I'll accept this. How are you Josh? I've been meaning to get in touch with you for years but one year slips into another and here it is almost ten years since I saw you last. From time to time I've heard about the small work you're doing and it has given me no end of pleasure, since I'd never had much of an opinion of your abilities along the line of one-celled microscopic life, in the old days. About two years ago I had occasion to run into Jerry Schur at Stuyvesant and we spoke of you and it may please you to know how well [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] pleased and proud we are. After graduation, I went to work as a professional glassblower to earn some money for school, but with the advent of the war, I shifted to [...] E. Schenectady Labs, and finally wound up at these Research Labs here in Stanford. Although I never went back to school, I've kept up my studies and still have my books and microscopes and whatnots. I have a very nice position here and except for the publishing of any papers, I find it even stimulating as I have a chance to be in on many different projects and accumulate knowledge I'd never get otherwise. Besides, the pay is very good. Except for the fact that I'm a confirmed motorcyclist, this brings you up to date on me, and needless to say I'm looking forward with pleasure to renewing our friendship, so let's hear from you soon. Your friend, Sid Zaharia