Of 3 4hO6 Locust Street Philadelphia l|, Pennsylvania June h, 1953 Dr. Carl Brandly Dept. of Veterinary Science University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr, Brandly: I am interested in obtaining a position in your research organization, At the present time I hold the position of Research Associate in the Section on Cytology and Cytochemistry of the Department of Medical Micro~ biology and in the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology in the School of Medicine, the University of Pennsylvania, At this time I am engaged in research on the biochemical cytogenetics of microorganisms, The work concerns the physiology of Bacillus megaterium under certain conditions; the manufacture of biochemical, fermentative and antibiotic mutants by various means; and the use of the isolated auxo= trophs in genetic recombination and metabolic studies, I was awarded the Ph.D. degree by the Department of Medical Microbiology of the University of Pennsylvania in June, 1952. My dissertation con- cerned the "Nuclear Cytology of Eremascus albus" in the asexual and par= ticularly in the sexual processes. The observations were compared with related fields, This paper is in press, During the course of my studies toward the Ph.D. degree, I also held the position of Research Assistant from May, 1951, to June, 1952, under an Army grant for the study of syphilis, The research concerned pathogenic, immunological and antibiotic as well as cytologic studies of Borrelia anserina in chickens, baby chicks and eggs. This was correlated with a strain of rabbit Treponema pallidum in which antigenic and serological cross reaction studies were made, From 1948 to 1950 I attended the Ohio State University and held the posi- tion of graduate assistant, My duties included the organization, lecture and demonstration of laboratory theory and methods in such courses as immunology, pathogenic bacteriology, veterinary bacteriology, and general bacteriology, My research problems concerned the cytogenetics and the effects of certain chemical and physical agents on a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, I obtained my M.S, degree from the Oklahoma A, & M, College in July of 19)8. My thesis, entitled "Some light microscope and electron microscope studies on Saccharomyces cerevisiae" (library, 0.A.M.C.) concerned a new approach Dr. Carl Brandly -2- June , 1953 designed to further elucidate the yeast nucleus, I also obtained the B,S, degree from the above institution in June of 197, I enlisted in the Army in July, 192, and served until November, 19))5. The following are a partial list of references: Dr. S. Mudd Dept. of Medical Microbiology University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Philadelphia ), Pennsylvania Dr, E, D, DeLamater Dept, of Medical Microbiology Section on Cytology and Cytochemistry University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Philadelphia 4, Pennsylvania Dr. A, Eisenstark Dept, of Bacteriology Kansas State College Manhatten, Kansas I shall be happy to furnish any additional information and/or references you may require, Sincerely yours, SY: jb