Your letter:of. the th does raise @ touchy question and It also speaks for some optisism on: your’ Dert... layself had begun. to wonder. wether Cold Spring Harbor had now begun tc. outlive its funetion as.a canter. for Genetics... In contrast to the situation when this laboratory was.flrst organizad,. Genetics Is now a widely accented discipline represented In: a great: many university departments and I. think It would be Somewhat! mare difficult to. justify unique. mnasures to preserve a research Institute tn this particular discialine.. Perhaps. | had. had some Intuition thet this might D4 In Haskins aing-and | was. not aysel f able to Imagine who. might be able to sustain the necessary traditions at Cold Spring Harbor. 0° | er rr ae a4 cota SA ROLE ee EE