7/13/1947 Dear Tracy, I spoke with Waddington, while in England, and he said he will be glad to take Beale after he comes to Indiana--A letter to this effect went to you and Beale from Waddington. Now, my feeling is that Beale may be hesitant to accept the offer and to take a Rockefeller fellowship, but I strongly feel that he should, and on my part I am not inclined to pay his salary if he can get it elsewhere, simply in order to preserve his freedom of decision as to his future for another year. I think, also, it would be good for us if he went back to Waddington's place after leaving Indiana. I am writing Beale along the same lines. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] The congress is rather good although the Casfersson group is really a let down, not for ability, but for ideas. My paper went very well, and is getting lots of newspaper publicity-- We had a grand time in England, and shall leave for Copenhagen next Friday-- Best regards to you all, from Stella and myself. Luria