II Sonneborn mss. Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana This Material For Reference Use Only. is covered by copyright and may not be quoted or reproduced without permission of copyright holder. CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS COLD SPRING HARBOR, LONG ISLAND. N. Y¥. August 5, 1944 Dear Tracy: . Thank you for yourletter concerning Bodenstein, to whom I have transmitted those of your remarks that may interest yum him. I am working on fairly interesting problems here now, but it's getting awfully hot! and I am taking more rest than before. I' got a request to give an invitation paper at the Cleveland meetidg of the Genetics Soclety, but I wonder whether there should be a meeting at all, and would like to know your opinion. The ODT has requedted that the meetings should'not be held, but Moulton, as a die-hard Republican, insists in not cancelling and not stressing the urgency of the OPT request, probably hoping to gtir anti-Administration feelings if the meetings is ordered cancelled. That is what he did in 1942. The feeling around_ here is for not going, and that is the w&kiciak policy of the Carnegie Institution. Demerec, Kaufmann, etc. are not going, and many athers certainly feel the same way. The Geographic Society has cancelled its meeting, and I expect others are planning td do the game, I think Fhe Genetic Society should do it, and also the Botany ahd Zoology Society. I fo not know if we from Bloomington should go, and if you happen to see Cleland tell him what the feeling around here is. I do not write him because he is so busy. I plan to be back around the lst, and start working right away. Hope you are not yet melted. Should we hope to see you around? Demerec is very much pleagea@ at the idea of your coming. Best regards, plana