m@ For Rererence use wv ht and may not be Indiana Bloomington, Manuscripts vere” 4g covered by copyrig t j | _ } Indiana University > ission oted or reproduced without perm ht holder. Department of Biology 7: qu ‘of copyrig PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRINCETON NEW JERSEY July 16, 1942 Dear Sonneborn: Thank you for your letter of the 8th. Miss Ottolenghi, the Italian girl I wrote to you about, has now ea research assistant- ship here at Princeton University, and a feirly good one. What she would be inter- ested in would be an instructorship in some college, or similer, in order to start a teaching career. I thank you and Dr. Payne very much, anyway, for your kind interest, I have discussed your objections to the manuseript on becterial mutations with Delbrueck, and we introduced some changes in the initial presentation of the hypothesis which should meke it nore palatable to geneticists. Working here in the heat and dampness of Prineeton is like e vrotracted Furkish bath, I am going to spend next week at Cold Svring Harbor, refreshing and exemi- ning all the deta I collected during these weeks of intensive exvrerimentation, Best regards, a S. E. Luria