| ponneborn mss. II by 3} sl Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library SAARC. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Riots at ead ciel he | For Reference Use Cnly. This Material Cols - is covered by copyright and may not be quoted or reproduced without permission Lt De nd ime if (of copyright holders Dees Bre Dante apmsunsha Hast Thamar 4 yen deum, an ralph Cain don ths j lp tate, 1 emis, telat ond tials anally | tthe Crcumebeineec 9 oun ab ig iY Ha TW ond ln Se od of Fodlo. sind salah anbobincen; [aren Sen LS Pope alle j oud te Mertircea. woe om Padodnnd alte) alee Homey of theoe ? Cbd fy 4 ALportrs ty thos ory The vee. plese Ct PA, ue ° a A saa ter. De nour; arp h J ml . albrtine a poche Apats eat : "bat “anid tee ot bee tot 8 | a ; AR