TI Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library : Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Sonneborn mss. TALts Maverlas For Reference Use Only. | is covered by copyright and may not be produced without permission of copyright holder. quoted or re September 17, 1949 Dr. M. Demerec Carnegie Institution Cold Spring Harbor. Long Island, New York Dear Denerse: I have a letter from Wilson Stone, the secretary of the Naturalists, informing ma that he has been unabls as yet to get any commitment from Rodenhiser concerning reprints of the Symposium on genetics of microorganisms given by your group at the Chicago mestings of the A.A.A.S. in 1948. Ag Stone no doubt wrote you the Naturalists send out copies of the Symposium to all members and it is very important for them to get a complete set for distribution. Since Rodenhiser will not communicate with Stone on this matter, I wonder whether you could cooperate to the extent of putting a little fire under him and getting some re- sponss. We hove you will not let us dow on this. With best wishes, Cordially yours, TMS :cs