Li Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana eonnedorn mss. quoted or reproduced without permission of copyright holders oe Wwe Peel ie a et 2 Ow wae we eee vw . is covered by copyright and may not be July 15, 1947 Dr, M. Damerec Department of Genetics Carnegie Institution of Washington Cold Spring Harbor Long Island, New York Dear Dr, Domerse: Thanks for letting me know about your cormunications with Ghen, I am really relieved a little bit that he is nok going to be with you because I would hate to be responsible for your getting tied up with a man who caused you any trouble, From what I have subsequently learned about the situation at La Angeles where Chen was before he left this country, I feel that anyone who takes him on, takes a real risk. I had nothing whate ever to do with the Minnesota job and,for this also, I am very glad. You may remember I asked you about when the reprints from last year's symposium would be available and I got the impression from you that you thought they were about to ba dige tributed to the authors, I have been holding up the distribu-= tion of my other reprints for the past year or two, hoping that these would come along in time to be included. If it wouldntt trouble you too much, I wonder whether you could build a fire under someone and get a little action, I have been expecting to get a bill from you for the oar which disappeared under the careless supervision of ny SONS, but none has been forthcoming. Remember that you promised to send me a bill if the oar was not found. I should really feel mach better about the whole affair if you let me take care of the costs. Can I depend upon you for it? I am very grateful to you for having let me have ac= commodations during the symposium, I found the symposium very profitable indeed, and the rest of my family certainly had the time of thelr lives. With very best wishes to you and Mrs, Demerec, Cordially yours, T. M. Someborn TMS: et