II Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library Tndiana University, Bloomington, Sonneborn mss. 3 S @ to rd G re this Material ; is covered by copyright and may not be ; quoted or reproduced without permission ' £0r nererence Use Only. ~< of copyright holder. yt 4 Vig sw Dr. M. Demeree * 2 Biological ‘Laboratory | 14 Cold Spring Harbor” . ‘Long Island, New York Dear ‘Dr. Demerec reo OS After’ a:long telephone conversation with Lindegren, I have agreed 3 o make a few minor changes in my discussion of his. paper. I'am erelosing” _ ... the revised discussion and am.sending a copy of it to Liniegren. ern =e 4, “h “ -°.Twant to make very clear to you that I dbject strongly ani seriously:-to the efforts Liniegren has. made and continues: to make to |”. * squelch all criticism of his ‘work, Hetried to argue me out of publishing S _ = my criticism by maintaining that my main’ point has been experimentally . ; ee _ x’ answered .- The “experimental answers" he speaks of are not in his-paper, .~ ~': and he- finally admitted this, but then said they are-in another paper not o -..ayet published, Nevertheless, he wished. me to delete my criticisms bee ~~ "3; cause of these "ars wers" which I'lmve net yet seen. Frankly, I. have no 2.0. ‘Ii confidence in his judgment as to what constitutes: valid evidence and T am " ¢ Unwilling to delete my criticism unlesa I ‘see the evidence myselZ?, You will recall that he, and apparently Spiegelman, maintained his present ree ‘vised manuscript answered my criticisms which they prevailed upon you BO ge -.delete, . When I’ saw the paper = which Idmegren never sent me though Cog ee 2S “Spiegelman said he would - i found their claims were totally unsupported, : don't Like the smell of the whole, business. <9). 0: fu Bn Sy In my conversation with Liniegren just’ now, I.mde him promise to make clear the source and nature of the évidence he cites in answer 3 - to my criticism, particularly to state that the evidence is not in the. “3 paper ‘I eriticized: or in any. that has’ yet appeared in print. I am dem - pending on you to check ani-see that he fulfills that promiss.. Other= ~ wise, it would be only fair'to-let me have a chance to reply to his a ‘answer which: if it follows the line he told me over tha phone, is, in _. my opinion, ridiculous and a violation of elementary scientific principles, « . 2 Loe, '. I.realize that the volume must-go to press quickly and that this bickering is holding it up. On the other hand, the issues involved are fundamental for the maintenance of honesty and dreedom in scientific piblication.” I am sure you do not want the C. S. H. Symposia to run the ‘risk of being involved in that basic issue. Lindegren's methods of at— “> temptirg to suppress ‘frée triticism are, in my opinion, as reprehensible aye A se ge ee Ee A oe ARO Th a i. If Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Sonneborn mss. | 2015 Maverlas _is covered by copyright and may not be ' quoted or reproduced without TOL MEASLOCUCE YOO UNL e of copyright holder. permission Page #2 Jamary 22, 1947 Dr. Demereo as Fascist to Communistic censorship, and I only hope that the others who criticized Lindegren's paper at Cold Spring Harbor have not had their criticisms suppressed, I say this to you because I know you would not wart to be involved in such suppression, aml I certainly do not wish you to be, , Believe me, I would not write to you in this way if I did not think the matter were extremely important, With very best personal regards, Cordially yours T. M. Somneborn TMS ret Ere.