IT Sonneborn mss. Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library ‘Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana LNs Material _is covered by copyright and may not be - quoted or reproduced without permission _ gor nererence use Onlye of copyright holder. January 16, 1947 Dr. M. Demerec Department of Genetics Carnegie Institution of Washington Cold Spring Harbor Long Island, New York Dear Dr. Demerec: I received the proof of both Liniegren's paper and my own and mve | been working on these steadily in every available moment since they arrived, After as a careful an examination of Lirdegren's paper as I could make in the length of time available and after careful reflection upon it, it seems to ms that the criticisms which I made orally at the Conference are still in the main applicable. Believe me I have been particularly cautious in coming to this conclusion because Spiegelman expressed to you and to me his Judgment that Lirdegren's revisions; made my criticisms largely impplicable, I am at a loss to unerstand how he could have made such a judgment, I am sure you will recall that there was a very vigorous opposition to Lindegren's views at the Conference and I am sure that there would still be vigorous opposition to the paper as it now stands, It ssems to me, there= fore, that we would be giving a false view of the reaction of the Conferences by permitting Lindegren's paper to appear without some indication that there was suth opposition, i have, therefore, rewritten my criticisms, condensing them as much as I thought could be done, and am enclosing them with the proof of my own paper. I am counting on you to stick by the promise you gave me that I would have the privilege of inserting my criticisms at this time if I still felt they were needed, and I do emphatically feel they are needed, In going over my own paper and the discussion of it I found to wy amazement, that there had been inserted an additional paragraph in Altenburg's discussion, a paragraph embodying ideas which he did not mention at Cold Spring Harbor and which I did not know were to be printed in this volume, I, therefore, feel that I must answer the point he has raised which seems to me completely absurd. I am, therefore, sending you also my answer to that point with an indication on the proof where this page should be inserted, T am sure it mst have been an oversight somewhere along the line not to have sent me this revised edition of Altenburg's criticism. It would sean to me, there= fore, either that the paragraph in question should be deleted or that my answer to it should be inserted, I should like to see it the latter way. I do not know what is the proper thirg for me to do with the two naw materials I am asking you to insert. It would seem to me only proper that Lindegren and Altenburg should have the right to see these replies, but I do not want to usurp your juigmnt in the matter and so I am depending upon you to sea that they reach the people you think they should reach. ii Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana sonneporn mss. ’ mma Nhs Mavellas - is covered by copyright and may not be quoted or reproduced without permission ror nelerence use Unive of copyright holder. Page #2 . Dro Demerec January 16, 1947 I hops that your plans for the Naturalist's Symposium will work out to your satisfaction. If there is anything I can do to help you in making your plans, you know I will be only too glad to do what I ean, I should, in fact, like to know how your plans develop for it is quite probable that what you do will, to a considerable extent, determina what I do the following Years a With very best personal regards, Cordially yours T. M. Sonmeborn THS ret Enes,.