Ir Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Sonneborn mss. 2nls MatverlaL _is covered by copyright and may not be - quoted or reproduced without permission ror heterence use Onlye jJUNIVERSITY \ WASHINGTON ((E SCHOOL OF MEDICINE SAINT LOUIS (10) DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY EUCLID AVENUE AND KINGSHIGHWAY November 19, 1946 Dr. 7. M. Sonnebdorn Department of Zoology Indiana University Bloomington, Ind. Dear Dracy: On receipt of your letter of November 15th I spoke to Lindegren and asked him to send you immediately a copy of his revised manuscript. Ha agread to do that. The difficulty as I see it is this. A drastic revision of Giscussion based upon the revised manuscript wmld, of course, necessitate the revision of Lindegren's reply. All of this would take time which Demerec does not think is available, so that probably the only two alternatives open to us is either to leave the discussion as is or to delete it. It was on the bagis of these two alternatives that I sugsested deletion as the fairest solution. I really do not see what else can be done without delaying inordinately the appearance of the volume. However, primarily this is Denmreso's concern, — and it is entirely up to him to make a decision on the matter. I really regret deeply that this unfortunate situation arose but there was very little I could do to prevent it. Cordially yours, Sek S. Splegelman ss/b of copyright holder,