it ponnevoorn mss. Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana o- elie Se ee ee eo ee =o —_—aaorCae” _is covered by copyright and may not be - quoted or reproduced without permission of copyright holdere August 6, 1946 Dr, MH, Denerec Department of Genetics Garnegis Institution Cold Spring Harbor Long Ialand, N.¥. Dear Dr. Demeres: Now that I have the symposiwa manuscript off my mind, I want to get at the manuscript of the review I wrote for you last year for your book "Advances in Genetics". Az I mentioned to you at the symposium, there have been so many Important changes since the manuscript was written that I yould not be willing to allow tha manuscript to be printed in its present fora. From the polnt of view of major sections of it, it is now completely out of date so that I feel I must revise it. As you know, the galley has not yet come through so I assume it is still peasible to make these changes, The changes are so important that I think I would even do it at my own expensa if ths galley had already come through. I shall complete this job as rapidly as possible aml send it on to you or to the Academic Preas, whichever you think appropriate, IJ am seni- ing a copy of this letter to the Acadamic Press so that further work on the galley, if such is indeed in progress, might be halted at this point. For their information my modifications would deal with the section beginning with paragraph 104 and would extend through sections 6 ani 7, I wrote the letter you asked me to write to Weaver and fowryi out, as you probably know by now, that he is on vacation, but I got a nice reply from his Associate Directar. From tha letter I gathered that you were right and that they were really glad to get my reactions te the symposium, How far my suggestions about the lecture room may carry weight, you will, of course, discover later. With best wishes for the success of your application to them, Cordially yours, T. Me. Sonneborn cen ~~ Ge