: 4 Lonc IsLAND BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION COLD SPRING HARBOR, LONG ISLAND Air Mail | THE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY February 19, 1946 bee B mp @ eet Bg Professor T. M. Sonneborn qin Department of Zoology > Indiana University was Bloomington, Indiana are ao fe Dear Sonneborn: Bes ann I do not see any reason why the review paper prepared for the Bn Advances in Genetics should disqualify you as a participant in the 3 a> Symposium. The symposium paper is expected to be shorter (about 10 gaa printed pages), and to have the emphasis on your own current work. The Bud title on the tentative program is in this particular case just a space- $7 filler, and it is entirely up to you to decide on the topic. I see no 3 Ss reason why there should not be some overlap with your previous publica- 8 3 tions. If I co not hear from you to the contrary I will assume that you a § will take part in the Symposium. Enclosed is a copy of the Notice to £35 Perticipants, containing directions for the preparation of manuscripts. a ower I cannot promise as yet that we will be able to accommodate your family during the Symposium. We anticipate that a considerable 4 number of scientists will wish to participate in discussions, and since y we will not be able to take care of more than about 70 persons we are : facing the problem of limiting the group to that number. fe = With best regards, 2) S Sincerely yours, / por nererence vse Viliye "is covered by copyright and may not be ‘ quoted or reproduced without permission ' of copyright holder. . MM Qeurrec MDs3af M. Demerec Enclosure