Lilly Library It Bloomington, Indiana Sonneborn mss. Manuscripts Department, ‘ Indiana University, hy 1 a may not be ‘This Material d without permission Only. ight an duce For Reference Use covered by copyT : of copyright holdere " quoted or repro - is February 11, 1946 Dr. MU. Demer Carmegie In tt é stitut pide Spring Harbor ong Island, New York Dear Dr. Demerec3 I heve your ki in the nd invitation to at like vers wach ton mi croorgentenc ne ne par tict pate the advise bt attend, but I am uly I should lity in frenkly dubious about dlscass this with pon oeentims & Paper and would like to It seems to me that I boo} lave £ “ai ght be cal pee es in Gonott os cverythian Of ,your I, theref @ for presentation ¢ rything that part of chat’ casero a sabi ity Of pepe ns Tar bore game thin wp x I donot . ng the present pert of the aoe of course, T dheele eee ied like-Lf £6 werg ate matertaleany m rt thee be fled to ottea' aa bent ed tata eg Manat nels in ons work in our lat o give an ac nev I frankly do non Pee and with regard eo tL of current to prepare a eon eae pnst I can 2fford to tale po ast bility, the past six mm the iP for you by June 20th. . pe time } ng ha time from my research a taken an enormous amount of and the co pre p32 : : nfer % pare that chapter research end now o in +tew York took more thon for you more ti comes the St, L time away fp me, ao that I + Louls conferene om having a prt am beginning t @ sterling od for ent ng to dispair +i nS aotivitye Tt is for “this crated, undi sturbed re eee obligete m eason that future. yself to prepare another per ip the io nea yr I would apprectate lmow rartiouls 4 AY . between iil Par you think about pos oie ae this end mer conference. tps what you would wens overlapping a order to par thoi pate ve iak I must subelt Smee sum ® size of manus bK@, lét me have inf nus ¢ript a e nto rm each speaker, and twill length of tine mowed for" 1 I can thereafter, give you my decision as soon ag ing how you feel I did not have a how mich I enjoyed the nuout y to teil I thought it wag. you in New York Indiana Ir , Lilly Library ty, Bloomington, Sonneborn mss. Manuscripts Department ; Indiana Universi inis Matverlal. | quoted or reproduced without permission ‘of copyright holder. _ is covered by copyright and may not be ; Gor neLlerence Use Uniye Denérec a~1ll+46 oD wn on the way you managed things. I L greatly enjoyed h contact with some of the emcer wo ¥ enjoyed heaving rkers, particular Heston end Kidd, and I think that Kidd end I socked at together what might be sone very imoortant developments on the Pearce ~Bro wn tumor studies, It was a great pleasure to me to see how closely my work is tying up with the orn cer ve remnet mid even more to find out that the cancer rhers themselves are keenly aware of this, W best regards. y * *th very Yours truly, o Me. Sonnets m & fj mS fee | rofessor of Zoology