IT Sonneborn mss. Manuseripts Department, Lilly Library j | This Material _ is covered by copyright and may not be _ quoted or reproduced without permission _ For Reference Use Only. LonG IsLAND BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION COLD SPRING HARBOR, LONG ISLAND THE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY February 5, 1946 Dr. T. M. Sonnebdorn University of Indiana Bloomington, Ind. Dear Sonneborn: The purpose of this letter is to invite you to take part in the Symposium on Quantitative Biology at Cold Spring Harbor this summer. The subject is to be "Heredity and Variation in Microorganisms." I am enclosing a tentative outline of the program, showing the scientists who are being invited at this time. The titles listed in this outline are only suggestions for topics I wish to have discussed. Authors are entirely free to select their own titles and subjects, so long as they fall within the general scope of the Symposium. According to the present plan, the Symposium will begin on July 2nd and continue through July leth. All papers and prepared discussion will be published as Volume XI of the Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. To facilitate discussions and to insure prompt publication, all manuscripts should be submitted by June 20th. ' Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana i One of the main purposes of the Symposium is to stimulate the exchange of ideas between workers in borderline sciences. The Symposium is planned as one unit, with the expectation that all participants will be present throughout the session. The Biological Laboratory is also offering its facilities for summer research to all taking part in the Symposium, and would like to have many members use it as their research headquarters during the whole summer or a part of it. All participants on the program will be suests of the Laboratory during the Symposium. However, the Laboratory is not ina position to pay traveling expenses except for participants who otherwise could not attend. In that case arrangements are to be made in advance of the meeting. I hope that you will find it possible to take part in this year's Symposium. If so I would appreciate it very much if you will fill out the enclosed sheet and return it to me at your earliest convenience. of copyright holder. Sincerely yours, M. Demerec, Director MD: dk Encs.