If Sonneborn mss. Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library : Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana d 5 it } This Material _ is covered by copyright and may not be . quoted or reproduced without permission ‘of copyrignt holdere _ For Reference Use Only. CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS COLD SPRING HARBOR, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. November 20, 1945 Professor T. M. Sonneborn Department of Zoology indiana University Bloomington, Indiana Dear Sonneborn: i am very sorry to learn about the bad luck you had last summer and fall. JI had heard earlier about the illness of your younger son, but did not know that the other boy has been ill also. JI hope that all your family is well now. Our work with bacteria is making good progress. Luria's group is particularly active and is getting fine results. I found that mutations in coli to B/1l (resistance to phage T1) can readily be induced by both ultraviolet and x rays; that part of these mutants show up immediately after the treatment, before the bacteria have divided, but that the majority of them show up later after the bacteria have passed through 1 to 10 cell divisions. It will be entirely all right if you send your manuscript for the Advances by the 15th of December. The approximate number of words per printed page.is 500. Do not worry if your paper should be slightly longer than 50 pegss. The two manuscripts that have been received so far are quite brief. With best regards, Sincerely yours, M Peurog MD M. Demerec af ve