MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH THE RIDGEWAY °* MILL HILL °- LONDON, N.W.7. Cables: NATINMED MILL, LONDON. 4th January 1952. Dear Dr. Lederberg; Many thanks for your interesting letter of 29th December re- garding streptomycin resistance. It is good to hear that this question of the origin of resistant mutants is gradually being cleared up and I shall look forward to reading your paper in detail when it appears. ‘Ye may in time have an opportunity of applying your method to problems of gur own. As far as I have gathered from talking to people in Mngland, there is not much activity here in this field. No doubt you are aware _ that Miller in Chicago has had a Ph.D. student on the problem of strepto- mycin resistance and metabolism. The name was Miss I. Barfulis and her only published note was J.Bact., 61, 375 (1951), but I saw her thesis and as far as I remember she also had trouble in repeating the Oginsky experiments owing to strain difference. It might be worth your while contacting her. The only other person I can think of who might have done some work which would be of interest is Pierre Schaeffer who was in the Pasteur Institut in Paris. I have not heard of him for some time but if you wrote to Lwoff he would know. I think Schaeffer had a paper in the Ann. Inst.Pasteur about 18 months ago. Sorry I can't be of more help, but these scraps of information may lead you to something useful. Kindest regards, Yours sincerely, T.S. Work. Dr. J Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 6, Wisconsin,