February 25, 1941 Tndiana Dr, M. Denereo / Biological: Laboratory . - Long Island = entoetoal Assootation II | have your letter of. February 2 “taviting 1 u6- . to: ‘cone ‘to Cold Spring Harbor as a guest of the Laboratory - . this summer, and an very pleased of course that you have not forgotten our conversation at Philadelphia. However, “Te an not yet in a position to say definitely whathor I. ‘Gan or cannot come, I know you vent to mow as. soon as possible and am going to try to bring things to 4a head . . . 49 soon as q can fad ciara Let you, =o innedi ately thor ~ efter, a ae = : : mS Sonneborn mss. PP u a uu a ect mH > od = od i yw S o & p HH 3 Py o A n p Ay ord & oO i) 3 3 w a Indiana University, Bloomington, lon . oon 40LS Materia. vered by copyright and may not be ed or reproduced without permiss , OL NOLSTENCe yoo UILLVe copyright holders Oo oOo wv Mo Ses A oO . is PO ° ° Peo. : .