> STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 2 STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER August 16, 1976 Sranrorn UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genelics (415) 497-5052 : . Dr. Tracy Sonneborn Department of Zoology Indiana University Jordan Hall 224 Bloomington, Indiana 47401 Dear Tracy, I am sorry for this small delay in responding to your letter of July 1. It would be a good excuse (but not really a true one) to invoke the current excitement about Viking which has in fact been keeping me somewhat busy for the past few weeks. In any event, I hope to be able to tell you more about that,and this is just to say that if you could visit us on February 18th, this would be personally gratifying and convenient. Needless to say, it would certainly be an added bonus to us of you would be willing to give us a seminar on the topic you mentioned in your brief note. There would be dozens of people here who would be gravely disappointed if they did not have an oppottunity to share some of your presence at least in that way. So, do let us know that this is feasible. I have not yet quite pinned down what time of day it would be best to hold the seminar but probably in the late afternoon. There are, of course, excellent connections between here and San Diego, and you should have no trouble reaching here either in the late evening the night before or early Friday morning. Looking forward to hearing from you in the affirmative and then to seeing you, Sincerely yours, a Lederberg . fessor of Genetics JL/rr LT. ye. KENNEDY, JR. LARORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HLEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE