INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA MEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY May 3, 1950 Dre ce Lederberg Department cf Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: Iam putting in your manuscript the changes you recuested. Concerning Latarjet's visit, I have not made any arrangements yet because I expect to be in Denver during the entire month of Jyne and I do not yet kmow how long he plans to stay in this country. There is an Italian, Dre Silvestri, who has already done some work on phage and bacterial genetics, mainly with nitrogen mustards, and who apparently would have a fellowship to pay nis travel to this country if, once nere, some institution would pay him a small salary to pay his living exvenses for one yeare I thought I would take him, myself, but coing to Illinois makes it very difficult for me to take on one more person next yeare I wonder if by anychance you have sem some funds and whether you would be interested in initiating an Italian to the secrets of bacterial genetics. I think Silvestri is very intelligent and a very hard worker. If you have anything, please let me know as soon as possirle. qu Pest regards, 5 a - x , 2 Xana vb S. E. Luria