INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA February 6, 1963 Dr. Joshua Lederberg c/o P. R, Edwards Communicable Disease Ctr. Enteric Bacteriology Laboratory Box 185 Chamblee, Georgia Dear Joshua: Come whenever it is most convenient for you. We have a spare room we'd be happy to have you use or, if you prefer, I can reserve a room for you at the Union. I'm ready to start my GOM course on Monday and will concentrate this time on intracellular genetics (viruses, et al) and on bacterial genetics, as I believe I wrote you earlier. I'm panicky at my ignorance and the shortness of time for preparation. if you'd be willing, I'd like you to talk to my class while you are here. We meet at 8:30 A.M. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Also my seminar meets Friday nights, Muller's on Monday nights. If you are here for either of them we could arrange a joint seminar, separate ones, one only, or neither--as you wish. You have here an admiring and eager following who will appreciate whatever yeu will give them. If you agree to take over my class while you are here that would free me to have more time with you! Don't take that too seriously,--I'm merely trying to sell you the idea. My class will have had by the 18th only 3 or 4 lectures on viral genetics, including 2 or 3 introductory lectures on GOM in general and on the general biology of viruses. If you could talk to them about lambda perhaps, or about transducing agents in relation to viruses, that might fit very well. Let me know, if you agree to this or something else you think may fit, what you would like them to have by way of background, Please keep in mind that the only prerequisite to this course is my undergraduate intro- ductory genetics, and that the class will include a variety of grades of students from undergraduates to post Ph.D. Let me know when you plan to arrive and how long you plan to stay, so that arrangements can be made here. So far as my class is concerned, the later the better, for that will give me more chance to give them background. If you got here around noon or later on the 18th, we could have till Friday for conversation and you could talk to my class Friday morning and to the seminar (on your latest work or whatever you will) on Friday night. Or, if you arrive on the 17th you could talk to my class on Wednesday the 18th and to seminar the night before you leave whenever that would be. Our departmental Journal Club meets on Wednesday nights and that is booked solid. We could have a special evening meeting of the genetics group any night you say. Dr. Lederberg~-2 February 6, 1953 It will be a great joy and privilege to have you and Esther with US. TMS: jb Cordially, T. M sole evomn