INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY 220 Jordan Hall April 6, 1962 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford Univ. Medical Center Palo Alto, Calif. Dear Josh: I had already sounded out Benzer., There seems to be no chance of getting him. With Lennox and Cohn we might have more luck. Gadi You surely do go overboard for chemical and physical biology. With what I think is proper appreciation of their importance in biology, I still can't accept the position that they are now or will in the next 25 years suffice to represent the whole of biology. From a conversation on the phone with you some months ago I got the impression that you did. I agree that one appointment in molecular biology here would. e enough - but, although we need more, we do have others in the area. strongly feel that at present some non-melecular areas of biology also need representation; that is what we mean by "balance" - which you seem to abjure e _ However, all of us here will weigh your judgment seriously, as we must, Thanks for your strong, sharp, and clear expression of opinion. That's what we need, especially when it differs from our own previously formed opinion. Best to you and Esther, TMS :mz ote eons 2g au Wag WL