AWA Pee Vad pwnd uk J ve awk yh 9.08 oh) roy ot e Bp r 16, 1953 Dr. Re A. Brink Managing Editor, Cenetics Genetics Building University of wisconsin Madison 6, \isconsin dear Ur. Brink: It is not easy, believe me, for an outsider to form a well ~fouried Judgment. in the difficult field represented by Appleyari's paper. I therefore submit the following comments with zenuine humility and full recognition that my lack of firsthand experience with the mterial probably renders me to some extent unfit for this Job. On the other hand, there is ut present apparently such a deep ad vigorous split of viewpoint und opinions among workers in the field that there may be geome compensating advantages to consulting an outsider, For that reason I have less hesitation in comrenting. Page 1, paragraph 2 - Objection might be raised to the impression created by this paragraph. He identifies asymmetry of recombination with the donor-acceptor hypothesis of Hayes. This is not the only possible hypothesis and another has been proposed by the Lederbergs an: Covalli., Further, he identifies F* with donor and F7 with acceptor, without reference to the discoverers and namers of Ft and F~ (the Lederborgs ind Cavalli}. On the whole, it seeus to me that the ;ortrayal of the situation is not a just representation of "our current pic-ure." It is only one side of the picture, but it entails bringing in work of the other side (F* and F~) without credit or reference, On the main body of the paper I have no comments to make, but the discussion (pp. 11-13) seems to «e to be open to the following criti- cisms and comments? (1) Since lysogenicity for both lambda-s and lambda-cl are closely linked to gal, the chromosome determines both the carriage of prom lambda und the kind of lambda released. From this he concludes that lysegenicity 1s not due to cytoplasmic lambda under genie control, But if the two kinds of lamba were controlled by two closely linked