september 7 ’ 1948. Dr. D. 7. Noolley, Rockefeller Instituts for Vedical Research, | York Avenue & 66 Street, New York 21, ele Dear Dr, Woolley, fn your paper “Solective reversible inhibition of microbial growth with pyrithiamine", appearing in the J. Fape Meds, Dec. 1943, I noted your references to a culture of 5. gallinurun waich rojulired both the thiazole and pyrimidine components of thiamin, While retesting the nutrional requirements of sons of my Salnonalla cultures, in the nutrition of which I an greatly interested, I noted that my Oulture of 5S. gallinarug, received from Borman at the Conn. Public Health LabSe, responded only to thiazole, For comparative purposes, and because of wy interest in £tra-type nuti- tional varfation, I would like to have your gallinarun culture, and would greatly appreciate receiving it from you. If you have not kept it going, per~ haps you have a culture nunber that could idsatify it if I corresponded with lettiger's iab. at Yale, With my thanks for this fevor, and ay best regards, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Assistant Professor of Genetics.